In the Beginning

dog training boston urban hound

This post originally appeared on the website of our Master Trainer, Nick Miller. For more of Nick’s daily training insights, visit

Dog training is not just about how our dog responds to a specific command. We understand that, like any relationship, it grows and has different seasons to it during the course of time we share together.

It starts in the beginning. How does that little puppy, who before we know it is an adolescent and then a full grown dog, view us and respond to us over time?

The dog who gets away with being pushy will, most likely, become more pushy. A nervous dog who feels his nervousness is justified will become more nervous. The dog with no limits or boundaries will very, very rarely choose the ones that are the most simpatico with our lifestyle.

We can, and should, use the specific and traditional obedience commands as signposts along the path, but they should be in place to help point towards a greater goal.

They should help us reach the fullest potential of our relationship with our dogs .

That is the why. That is the essential purpose. And it should start in the beginning.