A Reggio Emilia Approach to Dog Training…

I’ll admit it, I’m way in over my head here.

I took a tour of a prospective preschool for my daughter this morning, and I ran into a quote by the founder of the Reggio Emilia Approach to early education, Loris Malaguzzi. Nothing more, but the quote was so lovely and full of truth that soon after being inspired to be a father that is continuously improving for my children, my mind went towards how I could include it as part of my dog training philosophy.

The Quote: “Our expectations of the child must be very flexible and varied.  We must be able to be amazed and enjoy like the children often do.  We must be able to catch the ball that the children throw us, and toss it back to them in ways that make the children want to continue the game with us, developing, perhaps, other games as we go along.”

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